Thursday, 9 September 2010

Virgin Blogger - Old Time Ranter

Hmmmm. Where to start. Well, as evident from the title of this blog - I am actually a virgin in the world of blogging.

I have been inspired to start blogging (I am not sure that I actually like the aesthetics of the words "blogging") after reading one of my friend's blogs (ditto) earlier today. I don't actually know if I have anything interesting to say, but I do like to talk. A lot. So much talking do I do in fact, that my sister (who I am sure that you will become aquainted with in future blogs - as she features quite a lot in my life) said that my eptitaph should read "Here lies Kristy- Anne. She liked to talk and was endearingly nuts" (the endearingly nuts quality - I am also sure that you will become aquainted with in future blogs).

Speakers' Corner. Sunday rantings.
I also like to rant and it seems to me that as I have gotten older, I seem to be ranting more and more. Is this a trait of getting older? Does this happen to everyone as they pass the 40th pit stop of life ? I know that there have been several TV programmes about grumpy old people and their ranting, but I think that I have always ranted in one way or another. I am not a particularly angry ranter. I have never been a particularly grumpy person. But I do like to get stuff of my chest and as I am quite a passionate person, when I express myself - I tend to do it in ranting style. I also happen to think that some truly great things have been achieved by ranting and that there have been some truly genius ranters throughout history (on the other hand, I have also observed that ranting is sometimes also associated with the inebriated or the deranged. It's a fine line.)  I am not claiming that anything great will come of my rantings, but hopefully they may be amusing to some other ranters out there (including the drunk and insane).

So - when thinking about what to call my blog -site, I felt it necessary to choose a name that warns potential readers that some ranting may be involved. You have been warned. Also - I felt that I wanted to warn afore mentioned readers that if they are still in that wonderful bloom of youth, although they may also enjoy ranting as a past-time, they may not find reading the rants of a 40 something very interesting and may be more amused by listening to some rap music (which I consider to mostly be ranting in rhyme to music). Although I think of myself as young at heart (doesn't everyone?) I can tell by the look on my teenage daughter's face that she has no interest in most of my regular rantings- especially the ones which feature the state of her bedroom. I think that she is also hoping that by me having a creative- ranting- outlet - I will rant less in everyday life.

So in essence this site will feature cathartic ranting on a number of subjects, sometimes as they crop up in every day life and sometimes as I reflect on the past 40 years. And maybe some recipes ( mostly for food that involves bananas, as I seem to perpetually buy them, leave them to ripen, miss the exact ripening window - when they are not green or hard, slightly squashy, but haven't yet gone brown - and end up spending the rest of the week trying to cook various things with them so as not to waste them).

Well, that about wraps it up for now. My first blog. How exciting!

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